Just down the road from where we were staying in Florida at Christmas there was a wonderful wildlife refuge. You can see the Mosquito Lagoon on the left and the Atlantic Ocean on the right. I am standing on Turtle mound an area said to have been build by the ancient native population hundreds of years ago from discarded sea shells.

We got there along this wonderful wooded walkway.
This was a view from the other direction. The Atlantic Ocean is on the left and Mosquito Lagoon is on the right.

We headed down from there and entered an area called a Hammock. "A Hammock" translated means shady place. This was a flat wooded area that has all too often been ideal sites for developers. This one is safe though because it is in the refuge area.
This an incrediably big live oak in the Hammock. There are enormous and look ancient with their great long branches and spanish moss.

We were warned by this sign about how to drop our Northern pace and adopt a more Southern one!

So we did! And you can see how this wonderous place enveloped us.
And once again we were treated to some wonderful sights! An all too human looking tree!
That is right, an Ardvark!
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