Thursday, October 28, 2010


Montreal is a city that I spent a lot of time in as a kid. We lived there for a few years but even after we left we went back regularly to visit family. I love that city. The memories that stick in my mind are often of the buildings. This photo is typical of what I remember. I think there are lots of famous paintings depicting this very scene. It warms me all over to look at it. 

Well of course one of the reasons I feel especially warm all over now is that my cousin just moved to Montreal. So I get to visit that great city plus spend time with her. We were very close as kids but our families lives took us to different places. She moved to the West coast and we moved to Ontario. Now she is back and we get to catch up!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My First Experience with Skype!

Look at me! I just got a web cam, thank you tool girl! You know who you are... I have been learning how to use it and guess what? I just did my first Skype counselling session last night! Wow, it was really cool and weird. I was talking to my computer. I do talk to may computer but I never expect it to talk back! Well it did. Of course I know it wasn't my computer talking because that would be really weird. It was my client talking to me through my computer from a city several hours away. Technology is really something. I remember a time years and years ago-okay I have been around for a while-when there was talk about being able to see someone when you talk to them on the phone! Ya, I am that old! I remember black and white television too... that is another story. Anyway it is here. Skype allowed me to do my work with someone who didn't have to come into my downtown office! That is incredible. Okay for all you tech savvy, well versed in Skype, users it feels incredible to me. And of course this means the possibilities are endless. So I guess I have now added another piece to me work and that is to offer Skype counselling.

I love branching out! This summer I added the e-course Sublime to my repertoire and now this. I have felt for many years that I wanted to get out of my office more but I didn't know how I would do that. Well I guess that through e-courses and skype counselling I am leaving my office in a way I couldn't have anticipated. And it feels great!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Already!

Last weekend we closed our summer retreat. It is always sad to do this but the weather was glorious. The Fall colours are breath taking. Blues and yellows appear in combination that you only see at this time of year. The sun warmed us as we worked then took breaks to walk in the woods.

This time of year there are no bugs so we could take our time and really enjoy the beauty. There was so much peace in this place that it quietens the inner chatter. The only things that could be heard were the scampering of the chipmunks as they gather and bury their nuts.

Nature always reminds me of my place in the universe. It goes on doing what it always does no matter what my obsessions are at the time. I like to go and watch it just be. It never fails to amaze me that it continues to grow and change without any attention. And it also seems to do this with such beauty. The moss on the logs grow in the most unique patterns unconcerned in potential onlookers judgments. Ah, if only it were that easy for us humans.

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Second Ever Encaustics Class

Well a friend and I signed up for an encausitcs class and it began last night. Unfortunately my friend was sick and couldn't join me on this adventure-feel better soon!

I usually paint with acrylics so painting with wax is a whole new experience. It is a real challenge to think differently. Wax doesn't work like acrylic. It is warm and then dries quickly. The idea, as I am understanding it, is to layer the wax and then carve, embed and scrape your way to a painting. Of course with acrylic you use a brush or pallet knife to manipulate your work. Oh I forgot to mention the blow torch that is required to seal and manipulate the wax. It is a whole new tool unto itself! The heat moves the wax in ways that are unpredictable to a novice like myself. But oh what fun.

Our instructor Julie Davidson suggested that we work on more then one piece at a time. I found this really helpful because when I felt stuck with one of the paintings I could switch to the other. It helped to keep me "loose" as she would say.

I had so much fun. I barely looked up from my work until it was time to go. When I did surface and look around at the other artists I was amazed at how different eveyone's work looked. Some were furiously carving or scraping. Others were using mylar to transfer images. While others were embedding netting, objects and more.

I discovered oil pastels so I began to draw like a kid which was so much fun. Then I realized that if you apply the flame from the blow torch it actually changes the lines that you draw with the pastels. It was well worth the experience and surprisingly physical.

Oh ya, did I mention the smell-bee's wax! It has a lovely sweet smell, unlike acrylics which are icky.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week One for Sublime!

I am happy to say that I am joining the Sublime class as well as giving it. I have assembled a make shift table for my project since I am rearranging my home work space. My former art table is now the residence of my laptop and external monitor. The technology lives amongst my paints, brushes and other art supplies. So I have left it there since it enjoys the company and I have set up behind it on a small table. I love being able to leave my project and return to it as my schedule permits.

I am so excited about the course. We have a good group who are working away at assignment #1 and already have one student having completed this assignment.

It is so much fun to see how my ideas are translated into the photo journal. It is like unwrapping a gift each time I see an new post.

When I took a painting course this summer I was so amazed at how different the works were even though we had all been given the same instruction. That is what I love about art. It truly is in the eye of the beholder.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Son's Birthday and The First Day of Class for Sublime!

 Today is my son's 9th birthday! Today is also the first day of class for the Sublime travellers. I am excited on both counts.
We had a big birthday party for my son yesterday.We took him and his friends to the local climbing gym and let the boys climb the walls. I highly recommend this activity. No fussing about noise or mess and the kids could be very active without getting into trouble!

Oh ya and he decorated his own cake...

Sublime is up and running today. It feels like a child of mine too. I feel so strongly about the material that I can't wait for people to open their first assignment and begin. I wait with anticipation to see the creative energy that I know will flow from these Sublime travellers!

Off I go now to do more birthday!